Consistent with the NASA Environmental Management System (NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 8553.1), the Center issued Ames Policy Directive (APD) 8800.4, minor revisions to which are issued as an Interim Policy Statement pending final approval in the Ames Management System (AMS).
The NASA Ames Environmental Management System (EMS) is found in Ames Procedural Requirements (APR) 8500.1, which replaces APR 8800.3, Chapter 26, Environmental Management System. APR 8553.1 conforms to NPR 8553.1, NASA Environmental Management Systems, and incorporates by reference EMS operating controls, now called "Work Instructions."
Under the Ames EMS, the Center conducts an annual risk analysis across Center activities to determine which of 16 environmental aspects are high priority, that is, present opportunities to improve environmental performance. The Center then identifies objectives (goals) and targets and develops action plans known as Environmental Management Plans to reduce the risk. A detailed explanation of NASA EMS processes can be found at:
FY11 Declaration of Conformance (PDF) Annual Environmental Risk Analysis Environmental Management Plans Environmental Policy and Procedural Requirements including Work Instructions Work Instructions (N28 EWI's)