NASA Ames Research Center is located over part of the former Naval Air Station Moffett Field (NASMF) Superfund site. The former NASMF Superfund site is affected in part by groundwater contamination from four Superfund sites located to the south of U.S. 101 and collectively known as the MEW Study Area (so named for the streets Middlefield, Ellis, and Whisman in the vicinity of the former semiconductor companies located to the south of U.S. 101). The Department of Defense assigned responsibility for a portion of the NASMF Superfund site at Orion Park to the Army
NASA Ames also has several sites of contamination associated with past NASA activities and is actively working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9, and Regional Water Quality Control Board to remediate. In addition, the Center is addressing vapor intrusion in occupied buildings over NASA groundwater sources and conducting research in bioremediation.
NASA Official
Donald Chuck - Division Chief
Phone: (650) 604-5555
Fax: (650) 604-5555
ARC Applications Support
Last Updated: 04/15/2024